Well, as I'm sure you've heard by now, the FBI caught the bozo that sent an envelope of white powder to Keith Olbermann, not to mention Nancy Pelosi, John Stewart, and others. (The story that the New York Post mocked; you remember!) Well, guess what? The offender is a far-right conservative, Free Republic-loving nut.
And not only that, check out his Free Republic bio:
I am a lifelong Conservative Republican .Gee, he "worships" Michelle Malkin (and yet still manages to spell her name wrong)? I wonder if Michelle "The Right Polices It's Own" Malkin will be posting today to condemn this extremist, and let's not forget, illegal behavior?
I have an Associates Degree in the Science of Electronics .
Ann Coulter is a Goddess and I worship Laura Ingraham and Michele Malkin .
English is the langauge of the United States of America- - our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are written in the langauge that expresses our civilized freedoms .
Spanish is the language of Banana Republics, beyond that it belongs in a European country.
Let's see now...
A post tut-tutting the San Francisco Public School system cracking down on ROTC...
A smug post making fun of Gore...
More mocking of Dean in a pathetic "Hot Air" segment that reiterates the "John Kerry called the troops stupid" lie...
A "Liberal talk radio is dying" post....
A "The Simpsons is an evil, military bashing show!" post...
And gee, not much else!
But I'm sure she'll get right on it, once she finishes crowing about the "thumping" the Republicans took last week actually being a "conservative victory."
Just watch me hold my breath.
Update: David Niewert has more.
Haters like the people Castagana claims as his heroes -- Coulter, Malkin, Ingraham, just for starters -- are constantly engaging in the worst kind of eliminationist rhetoric directed primarily at liberals. It is simply an inevitability that, when this kind of hate is broadcast to millions of people daily, some of them are eventually going to start acting it out in fashions precisely like this. And worse.Amen, brother.
All these figures, of course, have the right to speak as they wish. But the media-industry figures -- the producers and executives who put them on the air, thereby giving them a bullhorn to broadcast it nationally and spew it across our television sets and radios -- are simply being irresponsible.
It's past time, really, to start holding them responsible.
("Free Republic Crazy Person Bio" courtesy of Sadly, No! They've got more in their post. The sounds... of cross-posts...)
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