Libby Spencer's blog, The Impolitic, is the only progressive finalist in the Weblog Awards Best of the Top 2501 - 3500 Blogs. She's in a distant third at the moment, but not so distant that we can't make up most of the ground she needs to cover. So head on over and help her pull out a progressive victory!
And Shaker Deborah Lipp (Property of a Lady) is only 150 votes out of the lead. Surely we can move her into first, no?!
Also, Daily Kos is losing to Little Green Footballs by like 120 votes at the moment for Best Blog. Seriously—that's heinous. Even if you don't love Kos, you can't let LGF fricking win.
In another dead heat, don't forget to cast a vote for Michael Berube for Best Educational Blog.
And remember to vote for Kona, The Moderate Voice, Pam, Tom Watson, Crooks and Liars, and Geeky Mom or Blue Gal. Lots of categories with multiple blogs for whom to vote, too, like the Top 250—Feministe v. Orcinus! Oy. I'm doing lots o' vote splitting…
And while you're there, don't forget to vote for Shakes, even though we have no chance of winning!
(If I forgot to mention anyone, let me know in comments...)
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