…to all the 2006 Weblog Award winners! Special congrats to:
Best Blog: Daily Kos (for kicking LGF's ass)
Best Humor Blog: Sadly, No!
Best Liberal Blog: Think Progress (who kicked our ass, but whom we dearly love)
Best Centrist Blog: The Moderate Voice
Best Media Blog: The Raw Story
Best LGBT Blog: Pam's House Blend
Best Educational Blog: Michael Bérubé
Best Science Blog: Pharyngula
Best Gossip Blog: D-Listed
Best Video Blog: Crooks & Liars
Best of the Top 3501 - 5000 Blogs: Blue Gal
Honorable mentions to all the other bloggers we love who put in excellent showings—Konagod, Tom Watson, Deborah Lipp, Feministe, Orcinus, Jon Swift, Geeky Mom, Phantom Scribbler, and whomever else I'm forgetting (as usual)!
And thanks to everyone who voted for Shakes!
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