God's Word Up, Yo

One of the things I find most hilarious about the "War on Christmas" is that its warriors seem to think that secular progressives present the biggest threat—but it seems to me that suggesting "Happy Holidays" is a nice way to acknowledge not everyone in America is Christian could never be as devastating to "the reason for the season" as, uh, this, for instance:

CANTON, Georgia — Yo! Christmas Eve will be Christmas morning at the Ridge Stone Church.

The Canton church is turning to rap music and the internet to get out the word about the unusual time for its Christmas Eve services. … The church meets in a movie theater and it will be unavailable on Christmas Eve. So Pastor Gary Lamb donned a pimped out Santa outfit, started rapping and put the whole thing on video. He’s joined by a crew of elves you wouldn’t see in any other rap video.

Alarming. Personally, I'm just offended by how much it sucks.

Not to get all "technical" and shit, but I'm pretty sure Santa isn't in the Bible. And, it's been awhile since I attended a Christmas church service, but I'm also fairly certain that there were no elves at the manger. Anyway…

[N]ot all the response has been positive.

Some internet viewers think the video is racist. Others say it just isn’t in the holiday spirit.

"This is for a church? How is Santa shaking his arse at the camera an appropriate advertisement for a church, exactly?" wrote one critic on the web site.

Others are less harsh.

One viewer wrote, "This video is off da hook."
Yeah, maybe not so much "less harsh" than "more sarcastic." Happy Holidays, Hos!

(Thanks to Misty for passing that along.)

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