Behold the Soledad maple tree, where hundreds of believers are being drawn to contemplate the image of the Virgin Mary, the mother of God in the Catholic tradition, cast on its trunk with the help of light and shadows.As per usual, I'm the heathen who doesn't quite see what I'm supposed to. I see a ringwraith holding a baby hippo.
Word has spread fast in this growing town that the Madonna has appeared on a 50-year-old tree on Ticino Street, and hundreds are flocking to see the image, to pray or to satisfy their curiosity.
… But some of the onlookers see a lot more than a head: they see the Virgin's son, Baby Jesus, as if he were hugging her by the waist, his feet dangling. Some see her dressed in a white tunic that flows all the way to the ground.
You say tomato; I say tomahto.
Thanks to Fritz for passing that one along. Holy folks Gone Wild on peanuts, x-rays, turtles, ultrasounds, chocolate, dying plants, sheet metal, trees, more trees, wardrobes, water stains, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato chips, plates of pasta, drywall, fish, and more fish.
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