It's my money, more or less

Worth more as scrap metal than as currency

I can put my money in a savings account. Preferably one that accrues interest.

I can put it in a traditional IRA account, or perhaps a Roth IRA account. For the return, you know.

I can invest it in penny stocks or government bonds...and would hope to make a little something.

I can lend it to friends and ask for interest back (bad idea, though).

I can give it to the poor and claim it as a tax deduction.

I can blow it at the track in hopes of a big payoff.

I can do anything I want with my own money - earned by dint of labor, a recognized and valid commodity - with the intent of making some kind of profit on the activity...

...except, apparently, to melt and sell it.

(Cross-posted for just pennies a word...)

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