
If you missed The Daily Show's touching farewell to the outgoing 109th do-nothing-Congress, head on over to C&L now for your dose of snarky goodness. (And also check out this shit about the Christian Embassy if you haven't seen it yet.)

Tofu is a tool of the Homosexual Agenda. Like that's news.

Also not news: A void of logic is a tool of the Anti-Homosexual Agenda. So...what if you're a super-butch gay attracted to big nelly bottoms, huh?

Nothing says Christmas…like stealing Christmas trees.

Better luck next year.

Amazed broker realizes women spend money. Oh mah gawd!

Wingnut Roundup!

I'm not kidding when I say if Jeb Bush becomes president, I am leaving the country. I'm no Baldwin, bitchez. I mean it, and I'll do it.

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