In November 2005, two dozen unarmed Iraqi civilians were killed by US Marines. In May 2006, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) said that the massacre, known by the its location, Haditha, was carried out in cold blood. His comments unleashed a cataclysmic fury in the rightwing blogosphere, reaching a fevered crescendo a month later with Ann Coulter suggesting Murtha ought to be fragged.
Yesterday: "The U.S. military on Thursday charged four Marines with murder and four others with dereliction of duty in the 2005 killing of 24 unarmed civilians in Haditha, Iraq, scene of what Iraqi witnesses say was a massacre by American troops."
Any noises of amends from the Right? Any notion that, charges now having been brought, perhaps calling for Murtha's death was a bit premature? Nope.
Quelle surprise.
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