Somebody Call the Waaaaaaaaambulance for Poppy

Gag me with a silver spoon:

Former President George H.W. Bush broke down in tears as he cited his son, Gov. Jeb Bush, as an example of leadership.

…He said he was proud of how his son handled losing the 1994 governor's race to popular incumbent Democrat Lawton Chiles, and vaguely referred to dirty tricks in the campaign.

"He didn't whine about it. He didn't complain," the former president said before choking up. As he tried to continue, he let out a sob and put a handkerchief to his face. When he spoke again, his words were broken up by pauses as he tried to regain composure.

"A true measure of a man is how you handle victory and how you handle defeat, so in '94 Floridians chose to rehire the governor. They took note of his worthy opponent, who showed with not only words but with actions what decency he had," Bush said before again sobbing.
Kee-rist. I hope Babs whipped his ass with a string of pearls when the idiot crybaby got home from soiling the family’s good name by veering dangerously close to a public demonstration of humanity. It might even have been touching if he weren’t, ya know, talking about Jeb Bush. And if he weren’t, ya know, the patriarch of a clan full of criminals, thieves, perverts, and assholes.

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