Time to Get Serious!

No more zany high jinks for Sir Jokesalot—three years and counting into the war, it's time to buckle down and approach this thing with the stoicism it deserves:

Speaking to reporters at the White House this morning, President Bush was asked a simple question that goes to the heart of the American public’s growing concern that the administration is out of touch on Iraq. Does he still believe, a reporter asked, that the U.S. is winning in Iraq?

…Bush generally likes to banter with reporters at such events and make small jokes from the podium. Today, by contrast, Mr. Bush largely kept his humor in check.

“The first comment was done in this spirit: I believe that we’re going to win. I believe that — and, by the way, if I didn’t think that, I wouldn’t have our troops there. That’s what you’ve got to know. We’re going to succeed,” the president said, referring to his pre-election statement. “My comments yesterday reflected the fact that we’re not succeeding nearly as fast as I wanted, when I said it at the time, and that the conditions are tough in Iraq, particularly in Baghdad,” he continued, citing the Post interview.

And what is his bottom-line message to the American people?

“I want them to know that I know how tough it is. But I also want them to know that I’m going to work with the military and the political leaders to develop a plan that’ll help us achieve the objective,” he said.
There was then a pregnant pause while the president let the quality of his statement sink in. David Gregory, always quick on the uptake, giggled. "Damn it, Little Stretch!" Bush exclaimed, as he burst out laughing. "You know I can't keep a straight face when I hear you carrying on!"

The rest of the White House Press Core erupted with laughter. "He wants them to know he knows how tough it is!" Ed Henry howled. "Priceless!"

"He's going to work with people!" snorted Paula Wolfson. "I love it! Comedy gold!"

Helen Thomas threw down her pad and pencil and made her way for the door. "You people are all idiots," she sighed.

"Get her!" said Bush. "She's so humorless, she must be onna them feministos!"

And on and on they laughed…

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