The 30th Carnival of the Liberals

Welcome all liberals: I am your host
For this evil round-up of traitorous posts,
Terrorists sympathies, and acts of sedition:
It's the Carnival of the Liberals—30th edition.

"Religion's not morals; its void not vile,"
Daylight Atheism reminds us; meanwhile…
Little Miss Know It All gives with a cheer
The First Brilliant Political Move Award of the Year.

SAP has a laugh at the bully Bush
And his empty-gestured bipartisan push;
While Nate reviews with a cynical eye
The Left Behind video game in "Die Sinner, Die!"

Upon crossing paths with an Army gent,
Hell's Handmaiden offers a similar lament
To World Gone Mad: "It's getting old;
Support the Troops is more than a ribbon of gold."

Joseph Hughes, for America, always the mensch,
Fires off a terse letter to Nancy French.
And at Framed, a debate from above and below—
On one side an angel, and the devil his foe.

Rey Thomas reveals what the president means
Because what he says is not what it seems.
And at No Right Turn, a poignant request
After five long years: Gitmo delenda est.

Well, my dear friends, that's it and that's all
For this installment of the Carnival.
Your next host for this soothing political balm
On Jan. 31 is

Thank you to everyone who submitted posts for consideration! The Carnival has a home until March 28, but after that it's looking for a home—so sign up!

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