I am pro-choice because no human being should be able to create legislation over the body of another human being. Forcing a woman to give birth against her will is Orwellian and immoral.
I am pro-choice because, even in this day and age, women can die during childbirth.
I am pro-choice because, like Litbrit, I believe that all women and pregnancies are not the same.
I am pro-choice because, like Shakes, I trust women to make up their own minds about their bodies and lives.
I am pro-choice because, as my friend Grendel said, I am not a woman, and it would be disingenuous for me to order women to face difficulties or decisions that I never have to face.
I am pro-choice because illegal abortion is deadly.
I am pro-choice because rape happens.
I am pro-choice because I care about what happens to children once they are born.
I am pro-choice because women are not baby machines.
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