Effing Blogger

…finally seems to be back up again—after being down, then up, then back down—which is good, because drinking myself into a stupor to stop myself going berserk was increasingly sounding like a good idea, and also because I can now direct you here and then here, so that you can vicariously experience what an absolute wankstain Tucker Carlson is outside the confines of a television studio, as if you'd ever expected any different. (H/T Angelos and Shayera.)

Couple of new posts below, and I'll get some more crap posted ASAP.

Contingent on Blogger's cooperation, of course.

You might think I would spend the time while Blogger's down being productive and writing a blog masterpiece, but you'd be wrong. I can't write when I'm externally irritated, as opposed to irritated by that about which I'm writing, so I was just fucking around, doing shit like watching a video of the 1990 Men's Aerobic Championships (gayest. video. evah.) and desperately wishing there were a peppy, gay, potential men's aerobic champion inside me waiting to get out, instead of Divine.

My Beloved Inner Gay.

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