
Pam: "BREAKING NEWS: Lawmakers in Massachusetts, the only state where gay marriage is legal, just voted to advance a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, a critical step toward putting the measure on the 2008 ballot. The Legislature approved the measure 132-61. The initiative, which only needed 50 votes to pass, must still be passed in the next legislative session before it will be put on the ballot in 2008. The full Massachusetts legislature will be meeting today for a Constitutional Convention to consider the proposed constitutional amendment. Only 50 votes in two consecutive sessions are needed to approve the measure for the 2008 ballot. [Governor-elect Deval Patrick], who takes office in two days, strongly opposes a vote on the civil rights of a minority."

I don't even know what kind of retrofuck jackhole piece-of-shit you've got to be to take away equal rights once they've been granted. I can't begin to imagine how one even considers such a heinous move, but then again I'm not a RAGING FUCKING ASSHOLE.

I also happen to agree that marriage is not a threat to marriage, and I have this terrible habit of actually believing that "all [people] are created equal" means something.


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