Last night on The Colbert Report, D’Souza repeated the right-wing attack that President Bill Clinton “did absolutely nothing” to fight global terrorists. Stephen Colbert jokingly asked, “Doesn’t some of it lie at FDR’s doorstep? Doesn’t things like Social Security and Medicare and LBJ’s Great Society, doesn’t some of that send the wrong message to our enemies?”Le sigh. Same old stuff, right? The Right is still trying to blame 9/11 on us? Now, you'd think there would be enough here to attack... beginning with the fact that D'Souza took Colbert's suggestion seriously. But here's the thing, you look in the comments to this article, and a few pop out at you:
D’Souza answered, “Indirectly, yes,” explaining that “FDR gave away Eastern Europe through Yalta, and then the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the Muslims had to fight back and that’s where bin Laden got his start.”
* I watched - D’Souza couldn’t maintain his act for a minute - Colbert was agreeing with him, and STILL made a fool of him. Why did Ann Coulter ever bankroll this guy’s book deal? Very, very funny, to me, that Dinesh casts his lot with the “macaca” crowd. Anything to “curry” favor with the power elite, right buddy? Just like your white frat bros told you back at the teke house, right!?
* Anyway, this little fairy is going to expect us to swallow this load of crap?
* Just like a wingnut to overlook selling weapons to the same terrorists who held Americans hostage to make a bogus point about Kadaffy the cross-dresser!
* Are there not any issues back home in India that he can tackle?
* Dinesh D’Souza was not even born in this country!! Don’t the right-wing Nazis know they are outsourcing their stupidity to ugly furners?!? They better wake and smell the samozas!
I just can't begin to tell you all how delighted I am when I read the comments of supposed "progressives" that see nothing wrong with spouting racist, homophobic language in a hamfisted attempt to belittle someone (or worse, be "funny"). The target happens to be conservative, and I'm expected to believe that makes this somehow okay?
Now, that last one may have been a feeble attempt at "humor," but I fail to see how that mess could ever be thought of as "funny." I've blogged about this in the past, but I'd just like to make this perfectly clear.
The second you begin using the tactics of the Right, you lose the ability to criticize the Right for using the same tactics. In doing so, you only give people like Michelle Malkin more ammo for another goddamned book deal. Racism and homophobia are Republican values. We don't need or want that on our side.
Oh, and it's "samosa," you idiot.
(video at C&L)
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