Random Announcement

I deeply resent that women are evidently more likely to be given a book deal if the entire purpose of their book is to make large swaths of women feel shitty about themselves for one reason or another.

There are infinitely fewer books written by women determined instead to make women think, make them laugh, and make them feel good about themselves—because making women feel good about themselves is a one-way, dead-end street at the end of which isn't even the narrowest of alleyways to a marketplace full of weight loss books, body enhancement products, anti-aging creams, relationship advice, sex tips, mothering tracts, and all manner of emotional clutter that purports to bring you thismuch close to perfection, but is just more insidious shit designed to reaffirm the only thing we're meant to know for sure: You're Not Good Enough.

Pfft and fuck and harrumph.


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