So now Rummy has set up shop in "a government-provided transition office in Arlington and has seven Pentagon-paid staffers working for him," under the auspices of the Defense Department as its "nonpaid consultant." Constant Comment and I were just chatting about this by email, and she's wondering if they just moved him to the "shadow government" to serve as a legitimate consultant on Iraq. I'm wondering if, since he's reportedly "sifting through the thousands of pages of documents generated during his tenure," if he isn't just being given an extended opportunity to get rid of any incriminating papers—namely, his dumbass "snowflakes," those stupid Post-It-note type thingies he sent in droves to his perennially annoyed underlings—or anything else that might be of interest to, oh say, a war crimes tribunal.
Then again, he could be multi-tasking—destroying evidence while destroying Iraq.
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