Watch Beck's face when he says "naughty name."
Listen to the snickers when his guest "jokingly" dances around the slur.
Reel from this:
BECK: Do you know that “The New York Times” wouldn’t even print — I mean, we can say the word. We`re having an adult conversation here. Wouldn’t even print the word “fagot.” (sic)
GLOVER: Right.
BECK: Wouldn’t print it. I find that amazing.
Yeah, it's amazing that the New York Times would resist printing a slur, isn't it? anyway, it's not like anyone would be hurt by this... it's all just a joke! It's funny! Come on! Why is this even a controversy?
You know what's even funnier? People that watch stuff like this on television, and feel completely justified in physically attacking and murdering LGBTQ people! That's hilarious!
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