Solipsism in the dugout

It's all about George, all the time

President Bush discharged one of his many obligatory ceremonial duties yesterday in welcoming to the White House the reigning World Series champs, the St. Louis Cardinals. While it's no surprise that all presidential addresses are political in nature, the the somewhat strained analogy to the war in Iraq - or rather, to the "character" of the Ball Fan in Chief - makes you shake your head in disbelief:

They say in baseball in order to become the World Series champ, you can't have losing streaks of over two or three games. (Laughter.) This club had losing streaks of -- one eight-game losing streak; another eight-game losing streak; and a seven-game losing streak -- which really speaks to the characterof the baseball team, doesn't it? I mean, it's a team that -- (applause.) And I think it speaks to the character of the manager, Tony LaRussa, and his staff. (Applause.)

When you're on one of those losing streaks, it's easy to get down and to forget the goal. So, like, I'm sure the sports pages were a little rough on you for a while there, you know? How can they possibly endure yet another eight-game losing streak? Well, you endure it as the result of character and leadership.

You see, Iraq is really all about the president's character, and what he must endure.

He's just making sure that we remember that.

Now play ball.

(Cross-posted here, there, everywhere)

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