Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Usually I skip the SOTU address and read the highlights the next day. Let's face it, it's 80% the same crap, and the other 20% is all new lies to make it seem as if Bush might work on legislation that isn't specifically created to make Dick Cheney and his buddies richer than they already are. In addition to that, listening to Prezint Squinty McHeh-Heh makes me want to destroy my television. And we just bought the thing, so I want to keep it in once piece for a while.

Even if I do tune in for a little of the SOTU, I never watch the Democratic response, as it's usually just completely embarrassing. But this time... I may just have to tune in.

Because Jim Webb is delivering the response.

That would be Jim "That's between me and my boy" Webb.

Holy crap. We might actually see a Democratic response with teeth.

Update: By the way, this is going to be this year's SOTU bullshit:
WASHINGTON -- President Bush will outline a policy on global warming next week in his State of the Union speech but has not dropped his opposition to mandatory limits on greenhouse-gas emissions, the White House said yesterday.

"It's not accurate. It's wrong," White House spokesman Tony Snow said regarding media reports suggesting that Bush would agree to mandatory emissions caps in an effort to combat global warming. Such caps could require energy conservation and pollution curbs.

"If you're talking about enforceable carbon caps, in terms of industrywide and nation wide, we knocked that down. That's not something we're talking about," Snow said.


"We'll have a State of the Union address in a week and we'll lay out our policy on global warming," Snow said when asked whether Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain had persuaded Bush to agree to tougher action to combat global warming.


Snow suggested the president was sticking to his emphasis on voluntary steps to curb emissions.

So, in other words, a lot of flowery talk about global warming, but no action. I'm sure all of Bush's industrial cronies will get right on curbing their emissions, you know, since it's voluntary and they all have our best interests in mind.

"Our policy on Global Warming: Bugger all."

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