An ice formation inside a Morton, Texas, grocery store's freezer is prompting tears from people who see it and has apparently answered the prayers of some visitors, according to a Local 6 News report.
Morton Thrifty Foods employee Alma Avalos said when she went to the back she noticed that some drops of water from the ceiling had frozen.
As more and more people began to hear about the Virgin Mary, they started traveling in droves to see the ice. Some people cried when they spotted the ice and others said it answered their prayers. "I had a lump in my breast and yesterday when I went home it disappeared," a woman said. "I don't have it no more."
Others said they believe the ice formation is the real thing. "There are some really Catholic people that really cherish her and they really know it's her and stuff like that and they are really amazed," visitor Stephanie Santos said.Will do!
Workers at Morton Thrifty Foods said they will keep the Virgin Mary in the freezer.
Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.
Via Chris. Holy folks Gone Wild on peanuts, x-rays, turtles, ultrasounds, chocolate, dying plants, sheet metal, trees, more trees, more trees, more trees, more trees, wardrobes, water stains, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato chips, plates of pasta, drywall, fish, and more fish.
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