Mary - Nazareth, 1 A.D. Mary quite likely altered political actions for the remainder of human history when she gave birth to her son Jesus, considered by a vast majority of the world's population to be the son of God and/or God itself. As if the ramifications of Mary's womb's action were not enough with that act, it is believe by those adhering to the religious authority of Jesus that Mary was a virgin at the time of his birth. Should this be true- and many believe so- then Mary's womb truly is one of immense physical and political power.I urgently recommend reading the rest of August's list of Prominent uses of wombs in the history of politics. Highly edifying.
Womb with a View
Though Nancy Pelosi's womb is very busy, August reminds us it's not, as Ben Shapiro would have us believe, remotely the most used womb in "the history of politics."
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