
Sometime yesterday, we reached quite a milestone here at Shakes. The Site Meter hit two million visitors—which, of course, means a toast is in order.

Slainte Mhath!

When I first started Shakespeare's Sister, I just wanted a place to air my thoughts about politics and culture. I felt really frustrated by the direction in which the country was headed on one hand, and on the other encouraged by the passionate, progressive voices I'd found in the blogosphere. I wanted to be a part of that, in my own little way.

That two years later, this amazing community has emerged just absolutely blows me away. Being a part of it brings me enormous amounts of joy; I feel excited to get started when I sit down at my desk in the morning, and, although I always try to write something meaningful, or funny, or thought-provoking, there are some days I'm just bitching, and some days I'm just info-sharing, and some days I'm just not all that interesting, and I know it, and I'm grateful you hang with me even when I suck.

Cheers to all of my co-bloggers, especially Paul the Spud—who literally has to entertain calls from me like "In how many different ways does the rightwing intend to make me describe how much I loathe them?! They're making me feel repetitive and uncreative!"—and all the Shakers. I adore you to bits.

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