Look familiar? I should say so, as that is Daniel Radcliffe--best known, so far, as Harry Potter. Radcliffe is branching out in his career, as actors do. He will be appearing nude in the play (more images available at the first link above). No big deal, right? He's just an actor. But, nooooooo, some parents apparently think Harry Potter can't be naked!. Nevermind the fact that a child shouldn't be going to EQUUS...
But parents are up in arms and are bombarding "Harry Potter" fansites with emails.
One reads, "We as parents feel Daniel should not appear nude. Our 9-year-old son looks up to him as a role model. We are very disappointed and will avoid the future movies he makes."
WTF? You people are just as stupid as that Laura Mallory person. His spokeswoman said that he won't abandon Harry but you people need to chill the fuck out (slight paraphrase).
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