Holy Crap

Ramadi Bombing Kills 18 Boys
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A car bomb exploded Tuesday near a park popular with young soccer players, killing at least 18 boys in a city west of Baghdad known as a center of the Sunni insurgency, police said. The attack occurred just three days after more than 50 people were killed outside a mosque in a nearby village where the imam had spoken out against the group al-Qaida in Iraq — pointing to an increasingly bloody attempts to silence its opponents. But the deaths of the boys, aged 10 to 15, left authorities grasping for a possible motive.

The bomb-rigged car blew apart late Tuesday afternoon while the boys were playing in central Ramadi, about 70 miles west of Baghdad. Both local police and state television said 18 boys died.

The Interior Ministry did not immediately return calls for further details of the attack. U.S. Marines are stationed near Ramadi.


In July 2005, a suicide bombing in Baghdad killed 27 people, including 18 children and an American soldier. A moment of silence across Iraq was later held.

But now, the violence has become so frequent and numbing that it's possible the boys' death will pass without any special note. At least 10 people were killed in bombings in Baghdad, where a security operation was launched earlier this month targeting militant factions and sectarian death squads that have ruled Baghdad's streets.

And yet, we're still hearing the "no one reports on the good things in Iraq" meme.

I don't want to hear any more of this "liberals/democrats/anti-war protesters want us to lose" bullshit. This war is fucking lost. Will we "win" when every citizen in Iraq sits huddled in their home, afraid to open the door lest they get blown to pieces?

Cue the "blame Islam" shrieking from the Right.

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