Inside the red envelope

Ever wonder what it's like to work for Netflix? It's not nearly as glamorous as you might think.

After working at Netflix for a while, it starts to get boring and it really brings your emotion down since there's not many interactions with your fellow coworkers, like for me, sometimes I feel really shitty after shipping for about three and a half hours and that's why I try to do many talking, walking during our breaks. We can talk during shipping cause our manager don't mind and we can talk very, very little during rental return cause we need to concentrate on inspecting the DVDs at a fast pace. After every hour for rental return and for shipping, we do stretches. Each one of us take turns saying the type of stretches and doing the counting. After all that crap, we get to go home and then be sleeping early at night and do all the sameting (sic) over again, YAY!!!!!

On the other hand, your job isn't exactly a path to stardom either, eh? Read a firsthand account of life at the shipping center, posted at Hacking Netflix.


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