it's bad enough when they're real

So today is our daughter's fourth birthday--another very exciting day here in our house. She opened up her gifts this morning and much merriment was had. There was one present, however, that made the hubs and I alternately laugh and say WTF. My mom sent her a dress up set that came with a dress, a shawl, clip-on earrings, a flip cell phone that plays Beethoven, and this:

Not just a small dog AND a purse, nooooo--a small dog that came IN the purse to carry around. This incredibly stupid fad is now for kids! Ugh.

Some fun photo sharing!

I found this picture last night when I went looking for her baby pictures:
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Easter 2004, 14 months old. I look lumpy because I'm 6 months pregnant.

It made me laugh because we still get that look from her and I imagine I will see it a lot when she's a teenager.

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