Giuliani Law Firm Lobbies in Texas for Chavez-Controlled Citgo: "Rudolph Giuliani's law firm lobbies for Citgo Petroleum Corp., a unit of the state-owned oil company controlled by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez… The question, [Linda Fowler, a professor of government at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire] said, "is how Rudy reconciles his heroic role as mayor of a devastated New York with the less appealing image of the corporate shill." LOL.
This story strikes me as one of those things about which the rightwing would go absolutely apeshit were it about a Democratic contender, but something tells me they won't care too much since it's about their guy. I don't really care all that much about it, to be honest, aside from finding it passingly amusing, as it just reaffirms that Giuliani is a hypocritical, integrity-challenged corporate whore, which I already knew, as those are the precise qualities which have made him the leading GOP presidential candidate.
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