A Scottish company has been slammed for inviting customers to "send a poo" to an Englishman on St George's Day.The company sells their poo (I can't believe I just typed that) year-round, and say the prank is popular with disgruntled customers and "revenge seekers." The St. George's Day gimmick is a new angle to peddle their wares. St. George, for those of you that might not know, is the patron saint of England. So basically, this novelty poo company is taking advantage of hundreds of years of animosity and oppression to sell fake poo. But at least they're being light-hearted about it; it does all seem to be in good fun, and the company claims they've received no complaints from customers or recipients.Edinburgh-based firm PostaPoo.com is selling plastic "realistic poo" to send to "your favourite (or least favourite) Englishman" to mark April 23.
Customers are given the choice between human or dog-style excrement, wrapped in tissue paper along with a personal message set beside the English flag.
Members of the English Democrats Party, however, are not amused.
But members of the English Democrats Party, which is campaigning for an English Parliament, questioned the stunt's legality.It's a little difficult for me to take this seriously when they're talking about fake poo. Hell, just the fact that they're calling it "poo," and not a "turd" or anything else is hilarious to me. Well, we'll just leave them to squabble over their plastic poo. In the meantime, I will remind Mr. Shakes that while I once threatened to send him a pair of The World's Most Awesome Pants, I'm still a nice guy and do not deserve poo in the post.
Robin Tilbrook, the party's national chairman, said: "The company's website says they will not send this so-called 'practical joke' if the message is deemed threatening, racist, homophobic, or displays religious bigotry.
"It appears to me to be threatening, possibly racist and without question bigoted. It's certainly offensive and possibly an offence."
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