
It's question time, Prime Minister. Actually, this query is for those Shakers who run blogs of their own.

  1. 1. Do you do most of your blogging at home, at work, or at some third space? (A coffee shop, perhaps, or a library. Or a genial tavern.)
  2. 2. Desktop or laptop?
  3. 3. Mac, Windows, or other?
  4. 4. Is your weblog a solo effort or a group blog?
  5. 5. Do you allow comments?
  6. 6. Do you allow trackbacks?
  7. 7. Do you have a blogroll?
  8. 8. What's your platform - Blogger, Movable Type, WordPress, TypePad, ExpressionEngine, Squarespace, Drupal...
  9. 9. Have you given serious thought to switching platforms; if so, why?
  10. 10. Who's your webhost?
  11. 11. Happy with your host, or looking for a change?
  12. 12. If GenericBigMediaConcern.Com offered you boxes of cash to have your blog incorporated into their online presence (ala Greenwald at Salon or Sullivan at The Atlantic), would you do it?

Hmp. Having asked the questions, I guess it's only polite to provide my own answers.

  1. 1. I have mostly blogged at work, though increasingly now at home due to...
  2. 2. A laptop, recently acquired, which allows me to use the computer without abandoning wife and cats.
  3. 3. Mac.
  4. 4. Solo.
  5. 5. Yes to comments.
  6. 6. No to trackbacks (defeated by spam).
  7. 7. Yes to blogroll.
  8. 8. Movable Type, which I like except when upgrade time comes around.
  9. 9. I only think about changing platforms during upgrade time.
  10. 10. LivingDot.
  11. 11. Very happy, especially as they did my MT upgrade for me last time around and solved a couple of problems for me. Cost a little money, but was worth it.
  12. 12. Urgh. That is, yes: assuming that this unlikely arrangement allowed me to run the blog more or less as I had before the assimilation.
Your turn!

(Anybody seeing double on the numbers in the lists above? I had some problems with the ordered list behavior.)

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