Steve Benen: "Look, I know these guys are into all kinds of strange ideas about a unitary executive, but this is ridiculous. If the legislative branch doesn’t have oversight responsibilities over the White House, does Snow think the White House has to answer to anyone? … [T]his isn’t the executive privilege argument, this is the executive privilege argument on crack."
Even though I know Tony Snow probably isn't genuinely ignorant of the basic principles of American government, and is probably just spewing this nonsensical, incoherent, and Constitutionally-inaccurate horseshit because that's what he's paid to do, I'm going to go ahead and offer some help—to him, to his Oval Office masters, to whomever doesn't (or refuses to) understand that we don't live in a dictatorship (yet)—in the form of this handy-dandy chart I copied from one I found online on an elementary school resources website:
Enjoy, Tony. And take your time.
There will be a quiz at my discretion.
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