Conservatives Unbound

The Nation's Max Blumenthal braved the Conservative Political Action Conference last week, the conference at which Ann Coulter called John Edwards a faggot, and came away with a 7-minute clip: CPAC: The Unauthorized Documentary, which opens with Blumenthal asking Michelle Malkin to sign a black and white photograph of a Japanese internment camp and Malkin angrily refusing. Why someone would write a book called In Defense of Internment, but be offended by being asked to sign a picture of an internment camp, is beyond me.

It's also interesting to watch Tom Tancredo fans get all pissy when they describe immigration as a cultural issue and Blumenthal asks if they mean protecting white culture. Then he moves down the line and a Tancredo supporter won't reveal his confederate flag lapel pin for the camera.

All I can say is that when Grover Norquist is the voice of reason, you know your movement is in serious, serious trouble.

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