Even after getting tossed out on their asses, they still can't bare to stay away. For starters, the MSM still manages to give Tom Delay the time of day, even when he lies about the contents of his own book. Next up, dog-lover Rick Santorum.
Rick is planning to enter the world of documentaries as a conservative voice to counter the likes of Al Gore and Michael Moore. Here's a look at Rick's master plan, via TPMCafe:
According to the Morning Call, Santorum is planning as an hour-long work that will "explore the relationship between radical Islam and the radical leftists in various countries around the world, including Latin America." The second, Santorum says, would be a more ambitious project to "change the culture of America."
Actually, Rick, the second project is already underway to change America's "culture of obedience." Thanks anyway.
(Cross-posted at Pure and Easy)
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