"Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns."

We have an ordinary kitchen in what appears to be a middle class home. The time on the stove and microwave read 3:00, so it is afternoon. A woman, mid-thirties, sits on a stool at the kitchen island sipping tea and flipping through a magazine. A radio is playing in the background and we clearly hear that it is a Pennsylvania suburb.

Door opens. Boy or girl, age approximately twelve, enters. Child walks in, takes off coat, puts backpack on floor.

Mom: Hello, honey. How was school today?

Child: (noncommittal) Fine. (Child opens what appears to be a pantry and looks for something to eat)

Mom: Anything interesting happen today? (takes sip of tea)

Child: (turns, smirks) Oh, the principal was arrested for dealing meth and he was naked and watching porn in his office when it happened.

Mom chokes on tea.

And it's not just a fictional scenario!

As authorities stormed into a middle school office to arrest an alleged meth-dealing principal inside, they found an even more surprising scene inside.

Sources said 50-year-old John Acerra, of Allentown, was naked and watching gay pornography when they arrived at Nitschmann Middle School in Bethlehem to arrest him on Tuesday.

Acerra also had sex toys, drugs, cash and a pipe in his school office when authorities stormed his office, the sources added.

(title from The Breakfast Club)

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