Spudsy, I see your Christian Clown Training Videos and I raise you one 1984 Public Service Announcement starring Henry "The Fonz" Winkler, John Ritter, and an assorted collection of weirdos. It's about a very serious and unfunny topic, but I dare you to get through it without laughing and/or recoiling in horror.
Our anus is a useful thing indeed. The anus gives relief in time of need.
Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.
Spudsy, I see your Christian Clown Training Videos and I raise you one 1984 Public Service Announcement starring Henry "The Fonz" Winkler, John Ritter, and an assorted collection of weirdos. It's about a very serious and unfunny topic, but I dare you to get through it without laughing and/or recoiling in horror.
Our anus is a useful thing indeed. The anus gives relief in time of need.
Welcome to Shakesville, a progressive feminist blog about politics, culture, social justice, cute things, and all that is in between. Please note that the commenting policy and the Feminism 101 section, conveniently linked at the top of the page, are required reading before commenting.
Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.
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