Ann Coulter, fresh from implying that John Edwards is a "faggot," now has a statement on her Web site saying Edwards campaign manager David Bonior "is fronting for Arab terrorists."She is truly absurd.
Coulter made the homophobic slur about Edwards, a Democratic presidential candidate married to a woman, during a Friday speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Soon after, Bonior announced he was sending out a fund-raising letter seeking "Coulter Cash" to "show every would-be Republican mouthpiece that their bigoted attacks will not intimidate this campaign."
A copy of Bonior's letter was posted on Coulter's Web site, with this note underneath: "It's always good to divert Bonior from his principal pastime which is fronting for Arab terrorists."
Bonior was elected to Congress half a dozen times in Michigan, and served in Vietnam.
Btw, I'd like to add that I've spoken to David Bonior before, and he is just an incredibly nice man. I don't know what his favorite pastime is, although I imagine it's something more along the lines of "fishing" or "pinochle" or something equally unremarkable.
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