Hang this sinking stone around Giuliani's neck: "Federal investigators offered to end their criminal investigation of Bernard B. Kerik, the city’s former police and correction commissioner, in exchange for his pleading guilty to charges that he engaged in federal tax fraud and wiretap conspiracy, but he refused, according to Mr. Kerik’s lawyer and a person briefed on the case. … Federal investigators in recent months have explored a range of allegations about Mr. Kerik, a leading official under Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, including accusations he conspired to help the former Westchester County district attorney, Jeanine F. Pirro, plant listening devices to catch her husband in an extramarital affair."
This was the jackass Bush once nominated to head the Department of Homeland Security, who withdrew himself from consideration after all sorts of dirt was unearthed on him. And, as Atrios pointed out at the time, "the vetting process was handled by Alberto Gonzalez, whose contribution to justice and competence are legendary."
Round and round and round the nincompoopery goes…
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