Because I can, from my desk in Nowheresville, spend a moment, as it were, with Piny—Feministe blogger extraordinaire, sometime Shakes commenter, and all-around clever, witty, and fascinating person—sharing in a decision I'll never have to make, and feeling for all the world like our lives, which may be completely different in a thousand ways, are not really different at all.
And then I can head over to Mannion's place and spend a little time with him, and through his thoughts some time the blonde, and their boys, too—and have a little opportunity to talk about Mr. Shakes, which is always nice.
And then I can be nearly What-the-Poopesque surprised that Bob Barr is talking sense.
And then I can cry at Erica's place, but celebrate at Pam's.
And on and on it goes, and it makes the world seem very vast and diverse and very small and intimate at the same time, and, in either case, rich with people worth knowing.
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