More FOX Snubs

It looks like the Democrats aren't the only people waking up and realizing that FOX news might not have their best interests in mind. The Congressional Black Caucus institute, planning two debates, has decided to go with CNN instead of FOX news.

This just might be why.

Keep in mind that these are national clips being shown. As I'm sure many of you have seen for yourself, local coverage of African American issues and people isn't exactly glowing, either.

Black online activists — led by — partnered with Robert Greenwald’s Fox Attacks to call on the CBC Institute to reject Fox as a partner for their presidential debates. A letter from Color Of Change to activists:

“Fox News is not a ‘fair and balanced’ source of information or political debate, and it has repeatedly proven itself hostile to the interests of Black Americans… Fox on-air personalities and regular guests consistently marginalize Black leaders, culture, and institutions.”
The efforts appear to have paid off. A new release from CNN says it “will partner with the Congressional Black Caucus Political Education and Leadership Institute (CBC Institute) to host a presidential debate among Democratic candidates.”
Good for the CBC. It's time to stop allowing FOX and their unctuous personalities to frame national debate and news.

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