BERLIN (Reuters) - A 91-year-old German sparked a rescue operation when he slipped mending his roof and got stuck fast in tar "like a beetle on its back," police said on Tuesday.So, yes, I get my already gold ticket to hell upgraded again for laughing. I emailed Melissa to tell her about this and this is what she got when she read it:
Passers-by were so shocked to see the elderly handyman working on the roof they first thought he was planning to commit suicide, according to police in the eastern city of Magdeburg.
"In fact he was just re-coating the roofing with bitumen. But then he slipped," said a spokesman for police.
"When we got there, he was like a beetle on its back, with his arms and legs sprawled out and completely glued to the roof," he added.
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She said: "I don't even know what those people are supposed to be (zombies?!), but next to that story, you can't think they're anything but old dudez covered in tar!"
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