Romney, of course, later introduced Coulter by saying "I am happy to hear that after you hear from me, you will hear from Ann Coulter. That is a good thing. Oh yeah!" before Coulter took the stage and called John Edwards a faggot.
This is video apparently taken backstage at CPAC before either Mitt Romney or Ann Coulter spoke at the conference. The two get their picture taken together, and then Coulter says to Romney: "You know, the photo of you and me together is going to become famous when you do something I don't like and I viciously attack you for it." LOL. Irony! Can't make this stuff up.
Romney, of course, later introduced Coulter by saying "I am happy to hear that after you hear from me, you will hear from Ann Coulter. That is a good thing. Oh yeah!" before Coulter took the stage and called John Edwards a faggot.
Romney, of course, later introduced Coulter by saying "I am happy to hear that after you hear from me, you will hear from Ann Coulter. That is a good thing. Oh yeah!" before Coulter took the stage and called John Edwards a faggot.
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