Project Shaker Mosaic: Update

Isn't that mosaic beautiful? Imagine how crappy it would look if it only had about 20 pieces in it! That's how many photos Shakes has received since the project got underway, and that is simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

I know there are a lot more Shakers out there. By "Shaker", I mean anyone and everyone who has ever set foot in this establishment. I don't care if:
  • You're here and hit Refresh all day
  • You're a monthly visitor
  • You're a lurker
  • You're someone who's just passing through
Shakes will be collecting pics throughout the weekend. So, fire up the e-mail (unless you're concerned about records and subpoenas and shit) and send in those photos. Then, we'll have one ass-kicking-karate-chicken mosaic of the coolest bloggers this side of Pluto!

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