What movie scenes always make you cry?
(For those of you who don't cry at movies, scenes that would make you cry, if you did, will suffice.)
I am an easy weeper, although there are certain things that "get me" more than others. Anything about a kid who feels unloved or unaccepted—forget it; I'm done. Anything about someone who takes an interest in struggling kids and tries to inspire them—forget it; I sobbed right through Gridiron Gang, and I only wish I were joking.
But there's one scene in one film that makes me sob, and it's the scene in The Piano in which Alisdair cuts off Ada's finger as punishment for sending the engraved piano key to George. Ada (Holly Hunter) pulls her bleeding hand to her chest and sort of slumps to one side, her skirt billowing around her. Silently, she rocks forward with this almost unwatchable expression of utter disbelief on her face. Anyone who's been profoundly hurt by someone whom they trusted knows that look, feels it. And it makes me cry, every time I see it.
[We originally did this question back in October of 2005 (I can't believe it was that long ago), and it quickly became by far the most popular QotD, and one of the most widely linked posts, at Shakes to that point—which was oddly touching; it's somehow reassuring to know that so many people like to talk about being moved.]
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