Question of the Day

I'm the kind of guy that always likes the villain more than the hero. They're always so much more interesting and entertaining. Like John Waters with his Wicked Witch of the West obsession, I always enjoyed the nasties. Who cares what the stupid Justice League is doing, anyway? I wanna see what the Legion of Doom is up to in their cool underwater lair in the swamp, man!

I'm obviously not the only one that likes the baddies; Marvel comics put out a collection entitled "Bring on the Bad Guys!," The Joker had his own comic for a while, the popular MMORPG "City of Heroes" spun off "City of Villains" where you could play a bad guy, and even Disney has a special line of merchandise just for the thorns in the collective sides of their heroes.

So, who's your favorite villain? In comics, movies, television, or anything else... who would you like to see win one of these times?

I'm a long time fan of the Joker, but that's a little too easy. It's definitely difficult to narrow down the list, but I'll go with two:

Ursula, the Sea Witch from Disney's The Little Mermaid. Basically because, she's Divine. (And "Poor, Unfortunate Souls" just rules. If I were a drag queen, I'd totally perform that song.)

Life's full of tough choices, inn't it?

Second, The Evil Genius from Time Bandits. Deliciously evil and side-splittingly funny. Absolute perfection.

"Suddenly I feel... very very good."

"Oh, I'm sorry master!"

"It'll pass."

And you?

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