Question of the Day

What's the most overrated television show of all time? Remember, if you say Lost, it will make the Baby Jebus cry. And Tart. And me.

And if you say Twin Peaks, it gets you banned.*

There have been tons of shows that I could pass up in spite of seemingly everyone else I knew raving about them, but for the ultimate overrated show, which I'm judging by way of hype v. quality, I've got to go with Survivor. I'd never seen an episode of it until a month or so ago, and I couldn't believe how boring it was. I'm not a huge fan of reality shows, but I don't have a knee-jerk hatred of all of them, either; I mean, The Amazing Race is pretty good, although I've only watched one season. I never watched Survivor because it just didn't sound all that interesting, and when I finally saw an episode (because I was too lazy to get my fat arse off the couch to get the remote one night), I couldn't believe how extensive the dullery actually was, nor could I comprehend how or why it had lasted like 10 seasons or wev. I've known people who rearrange their entire lives to make sure they don't miss Survivor, which was inexplicable to me to begin with, being the sort of terrible, TiVo-less telly watcher who still has to be reminded by her husband every Wednesday that the one show she loves is on, but after finally seeing an episode, I was truly gobsmacked.


* Not really. I'd just cry some more.

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