Question of the Day

Are you superstitious about anything?

I'm not superstitious at all, save for touching/knocking wood. Mr. Shakes and I both do it. I don't know why that sticks, when nothing else does. I walk under ladders, spill salt, coo at black cats crossing my path, step on cracks, go through life with no lucky numbers, objects, or clothes. But I touch wood about the smallest things.

"Hopefully the library will have a copy of it."

"Touch wood!"

Like someone in my one-horse, many-horse's-asses town is going to check out The Complete Plays of Aristophanes in the five minutes it takes us to drive to the library.

"Ooh, you're so lucky. There were three other people here looking for it just now, but coincidentally, they all forgot their library cards!"

"Thank the fates I touched wood!"

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