Quote of the Day

"He doesn't exactly recall, but he may have had a casual conversation with the A.G. to say he had passed those complaints to Harriet Miers." — White House spokeswoman Dana Perino, relaying Karl Rove's "hazy recollection" of reporting GOP complaints about former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Ooh, it's all so…hazy. I just can't…recall.

Runner-up Quote of the Day, from Steve Benen: "The political director of the White House was having casual chats with top Justice Department officials, including the attorney general, about which federal prosecutors weren’t doing enough to politicize their offices. Soon after, those prosecutors were fired in an unprecedented purge. Why would anyone find this suspicious?"

Ha. Shit, that would be fucking hilarious if only it weren't so goddamned tragic. Totally typical. Which is why I'm making this my official emblem of the Bush administration:

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