Quote of the Day
"The problem this bitch sees is that no one takes the time to connect all those 'families have been stretched to the breaking point' Today Show headline-making studies with dumb ass big business supported ideas like 'we need to rethink the family leave act'. If they did connect them, they might find that the sandwich generation is going to need that family leave business...big time. And yes, they will need it for shit like a cold. Elderly parents with the common cold are a 'I'm going to stay home' kind of illness. Now of course a bitch is sure there are some people abusing FMLA. Shit, Big Business abuses the tax code every year and I don't see anyone doing anything about that shit (wink). Seriously, abuse of anything goes hand and hand with people. But some abuse should not be the excuse for tossing aside FMLA just when the largest generation of Americans is most likely going to need to start using it. Blink. Or is that the point?"—Shark-Fu
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