
Ann Coulter, admitting she's nothing more than a highly-paid playground bully, dismisses her use of the word "faggot" as nothing but a schoolyard taunt.

Ann "Muntz" Coulter

Of course she's right. It was so silly to get worked up over what's just a schoolyard taunt. I mean, so what's a little "faggot" here, a little "queerbait" there? Ha ha—kids will be kids, ya know? And, let's face it, it totally is like the Soviet Union or some shit to ask people not to use those schoolyard taunts when they're so goddamned hilarious! Now that I think about it, I'm going to start using them again myself. Why shouldn't I? Why shouldn't we all, when they're so much fun?!

Faggot! Queerbait! Dyke! Tranny! Homo! Carpetmuncher! Gaywad! Fag! Queer! Cocksucker!

Who could possibly give up that kind of fun?

Pam has more.

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