Shaker Gourmet

Our recipe this week comes from Shaker Karen!
Dried Cherry Chutney

Cover one cup dried cherries in port or sherry. (Use cheap stuff, and port really is better.) Allow to soak for one hour.

Chop one big shallot finely. Heat 1 tblsp. olive oil in a heavy-bottomed sauce pan and saute shallot until clear. Add cherries and port and stir. Add .5 tsp cumin, .5 tsp. allspice. 5. tsp. cloves and 1 tsp. coriander seeds. Add 2 tbls. cherry, peach, or apricot preserves. (please note, use only ONE kind. This is not supposed to be dessert.) Cook until thickened. Add 1 tblsp. butter and serve with desired meat.

Variations: Add coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans before adding the cherries. Add a clove or two of chopped garlic with the shallot. (I always add garlic when I serve this with pork.)
Karen adds: "This is my favorite self-created recipe. It's a condiment, but useful for anything except beef. I like it best on pork and game birds. It's really easy but looks enormously impressive."

If you would like to submit a recipe for Shaker Gourmet, email me at: shakergourmet (at) Include clear instructions and a link to your blog, if you have one!

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